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Elevated Life. Exceptional Care.

Offering memory care and assisted living in Carlsbad, California, La Marea Senior Living provides residents a unique lifestyle that is coupled with exceptional, personalized and supportive care. Our community strives to provide each of our residents with tailored programs so they can live their lives with vibrancy and dignity.

We offer the Vibrant Life® program, Elevate® dining, Generations Memory Care, and a variety of assisted living and memory care services for our residents. Our community is designed to provide a lifestyle that enhances your life as you age, bringing a new level of care to the Carlsbad area.

“The community is beautiful. Best of all, the staff is very professional, attentive and show their love for what they do every day.”
Christian A., loved one is a resident
“Gorgeous! What a beautiful community! The staff is knowledgeable and friendly.”
Marie H., loved one is a resident
“BEST assisted living and memory care community in North County San Diego.”
Holly P., loved one is a resident
“The community is beautiful. What a view with those rolling hills. Everyone I’ve met there is super friendly and helpful.”
Mary D., loved one is a resident

Now this is living ... senior living!

Experience La Marea for yourself!
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